Content Apocalypse, Things you can learn from The Walking Dead


The internet can be a gloomy dull place and even social media is boring us with lack luster content. Internet marketing is beginning to look like a world of zombie material published with no soul. Like click bate titles and themes targeted to shame us into second guessing ourselves. It really is as horrid as the Walking Dead.
The Digital World is heading into a fully integrated digital marketing platform and we have to begin to think multi-purpose channels. It’s a constant battle dreaming up new tricks to keep fans or audience coming back. It can be tough but there are digital teams out their that bring you great content.
The Walking Dead is one of those digital teams. Their content marketing is top notch when bridging the gap between their brand and fans.

dead1The interactive story sync move beyond the desk and draws the viewer directly into the story. This alone takes drives up onsite time but also a vested interest into the show. 90% of television viewers have their phone sitting beside them so why not make the most of it. They may head over to the store and buy the Daryl action figure.

Web only video brings other to the site off season and on demand. I know I’ll need my fix after the season is over so I’m waiting to watch the webcast of the walking dead. I’ll probably end up sharing it with friends and family.

dead 2

How about those apocalyptic quizzes? Those always bring in the numbers and shares. No matter how you resist you want to know your apocalyptic name or if you end up getting bit.
What I like about internet marketing these days is that it takes creativity and a little more smarts to get ahead. These are just a few content marketing ideas the Walking Dead brand has to offer but definitely there are some really good tips that you could apply to your own strategy. The important thing is to keep your audience in mind at all times. While you do that, throw some surveys out there and eat some brains. Thats how you survive in this content apocalypse.


[schema type=”movie” url=”” name=”The Walking Dead” description=”The best apocalyptic show on TV” ]