Link on a rel=canonical page

A question was asked of Google czar Matt Cutts asking if links on a page with rel=”canonical” on it can still pass link juice.  Great question. The question was answered by Matt basically stating that “yes” but it will depend on PageRank (what doesn’t 😉  and the higher the PageRank – the better the chance […]

The Google Honeypot Sting – Part 2

As a follow-up to my previous post regarding the accusations from Google that Bing is using click-through data as part of their ranking methodology. It is pretty certain that Google does as well and there is evidence to show that they both have been doing so for some time. Even Matt Cutts said in 2002 […]

Mayday Mayday

Google’s latest update is known among SEO’s lovingly as the “Mayday update”.   The update ended about a week ago and as with any update, there are winners and there are losers.  We known that the update was algorithmic and not index-based.  Basically, it has to do with the rankings of your site not the pages […]