RIP Yahoo! Directory

RIP Yahoo! Directory

Saturday the 27th marked the end of an era. Back in September Yahoo! announced that they would be shutting down their directory. That day came over the weekend with the directory being redirected to The Yahoo! Business Pages.

So what does this mean to you?  Well, in our case it was a reminder to review our listing and make sure the data was up-to-date.  As with most, Yahoo! isn’t the first engine we think about given that Bing powers their organic listings but it still carries some weight and if there’s a question as to whether a listing here is worth it … we’ll be keeping ours, even with the move.  We’ll of course be watching closely to see how the Business Pages evolve with this move but for now we’re sticking with it as a solid listing to have.  Our continued trust in this “directory” is that Yahoo! is happy to take your money for a review and then turn you down.  this is why their value continues, this is what Google wants to see.  Not a paid link but a paid review.

So it is with a sad heart that I personally bid farewell to the Yahoo! directory.  Like watching Geocities close up, it’s the end of an era but fortunately, the world keeps moving forward and 2015 is shaping up to be an amazing year with enhanced targeting capabilities for paid search and there are certain to be some very interesting algorithms to watch on the organic side.

And thank goodness or this would be a very boring blog and I wouldn’t enjoy writing on it nearly as much. 🙂