Matt Cutts On Interlinking Domains

Matt Cutts put out a good video today answer the question from Kenichi Suzuki of Tokyo, Japan when he asks, “Suppose I have a site that covers fishing overall (A) & I make another fishing site that solely focuses on lure fishing (B). Does linking to A from B violate guidelines? I’ll make sure both […]

International SEO

We’re all interested in expanding our marketshare.  For a lot of businesses with a solid SEO strategy and success that means either expanding into new marketing efforts or expanding your reach outside of your core market.  Yesterday on my weekly radio show Webcology on by co-host Jim Hedger and I decided to host a […]

EMD Insanity and Coining Phrases

It’s clearly time for Beanstalk to officially list ourselves as a sitedefibrillation solution provider. Why? Because apparently the secret to SERP dominance with an EMD is to coin your own phrase! Do a search for ‘coinflation’ + ‘gold’ or really, almost any other keyword to see what Google considers an ‘improved’ result following the EMD […]

Don’t drink the link bait..

Thanks to the recent (April/March) Google updates, ‘tread lightly’ has never been better advice to anyone in the SEO industry. Between extra offers in my inbox to ‘exchange links’, ‘sell links’, ‘purchase links’, that all seem to be coming from GMail accounts, and reports of simple Java-script causing pages to drop from Google’s index, I’m […]

A Blogger’s Paradise

FACT: People are still writing blogs. Despite suggestions that blogs are passé, it seems that more and more people are still writing blog content now more than ever. Blogging remains as an important avenue for consumer expression. Consumer generated blogs have been showing significant growth since 2006 when NM Incite began tracking them according to […]