Jim Boykin on Google Updates PubCon

Warning this blog will contain grammatic and spelling errors. It’s a Live Blog


A settle history of Google updates and how they affected us and how they will continue to affect us. Lot’s has gone on in such a short period of time that flipped the way we do things. It was almost like taking a walk through the Google zoo from Pigeon to Panda to Penguin but unfortunately for many it made many companies feel as if they were on the inside of the cage. The fact is companies aren’t really inside the cage at all they just don’t now how to make that breakout performance.


One of the big focuses on was what do we do now and how do we get noticed? What about links?

Many companies are still chasing the short tail by doing thing they know Google doesn’t like and it is hurting them. Get the creative back in the team, find authorities and most importantly be the authority. Use all digital media assets and use them as often as you can. Set up a publishing calendar to drive out content. Do what you can to be seen just keep in mind what next great thing your going to do next.

Google is going to track you on all the signals you make it’s just important to get out and make those signals.

Pay attention to who your connected to be part of the community or get out and build a community. Hunt out who influences groups or topics engage with brand evangelists. Invite them to your page through interviews create campaigns that will cooperatively benefit both sides.


The most important thing is to maintain a variety creative content and campaigns rolling. By doing this signals will help strengthen your overall presence.